Volume 9, Issue 1, March 2016
Guest Editor: Dr. Erik Juergensmeyer, Fort Lewis College INTRODUCTION ____________________________ Introduction—Rhetoric and Activism: Opportunities for Influencing Public Thought and Action ____________________________ ARTICLES ____________________________ Efficacy of the Indigenous Approach to Peacebuilding in Africa Richardson Revisited: An Analysis of ‘Action-Reaction’ Conflict Models Engaging Youth in Peace: A Study of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community An Analysis of the Egyptian-Israeli Peace Process Beyond The New Jim Crow ____________________________ CURRICULA ____________________________ Teaching the Rhetoric of Protest and Dissent Introduction to Activism: Rhetoric, Social Justice, and Professionally-Oriented Students ____________________________ REVIEWS ____________________________ Book Review: Autesserre, S. (2014). Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. Book Review: Miller, K. D. (2012). Martin Luther King’s Biblical Epic: His Final, Great Speech. Jackson, MS: University of Mississippi Press. ________________________ |