Volume 5, Issue 3, November 2012
Editor: Prof. Brian Trautman, Berkshire Community College ____________________________ Introduction: Drawing on Interdisciplinary Themes that Inform and Influence Peace Studies Brian J. Trautman Pg. 1-3 ____________________________ Neoliberalism and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex: The Limits of a Market Approach to Service Delivery Laura L. Finley and Luigi Esposito Pg. 4-26 ____________________________ Applying Social Movement Theory to Nonhuman Rights Mobilization and the Importance of Faction Hierarchies Corey Lee Wrenn Pg. 27-44 ____________________________ Betty Reardon’s Conception of “Peace” and its Implications for a Philosophy of Peace Education Dale T. Snauwaert Pg. 45-52 ____________________________ Simplicity and Social Justice: An Examination of Value-driven Practice in the Mennonite Central Committee Emily E. Welty Pg. 53-71 ____________________________ Pedagogies of Social Justice for Higher Education Community Engagement Programs Andria Wisler Pg. 72-80 ____________________________ This is What Democracy Looks Like: The 2012 NATO Protests in Chicago Ellen Birkett Lindeen Pg. 81-89 ____________________________ BOOK REVIEWS ____________________________ The Future of Service-Learning: New Solutions for Sustaining and Improving Practice. 2009. Edited by Jean R. Strait and Marybeth Lima. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing. Deb Sheffer Pg. 90-93 ____________________________ Love and Liberation: An Animal Liberation Front Story. 2012. By Sarat Colling and Anthony J. Nocella II. Williamstown, MA: Piraeus Books. Jan Austin Smitowicz Pg. 94-96 ____________________________ Equipping the New African Peacebuilder. 2012. By Titus K. Oyeyemi. Nappanee, Indiana: Evangel Publishing House. and Film Review: Dear Mandela. 2012. By Dara Kell and Christopher Nizza. Sleeping Giant Films. Documentary. Matt Meyer Pg. 97-100 ____________________________ Gandhi and the Unspeakable: His Final Experiment with Truth. 2012. By James W. Douglass. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books. Linda LeTendre Pg. 101-103 |